"The Lost Spark"
By: JT Krul
I could go on about how amazing this book is. I could say how much I wish I could disappear into its paperbacked cover. I could... but I am not. The book speaks for itself. Instead I am going to write down a remembrance of a spark I thought I had lost.
My spark is a pink bear with a rainbow on his belly called Bubbaly Pubbaly. He was a cheap Care Bears knock off from the 80ʻs that my Mom bought for me because we couldnʻt afford a "real" Care Bear. Bubbaly Pubbaly was more real to me - more powerful for me than any Care Bear "Stare". My Bubbaly Pubbaly had a sister named Boohbaly Poohbaly, a smaller pink bear with no rainbow that was won for me out of one of those crane machines that never ever work. Except it worked because Bubbaly Pubbaly wanted to rescue his sister. He also had a best friend named Marcie Darcie who was not a bear but a rather boxy-looking florescent-pink fox. Marcie Darcie was found in a woman and childrenʻs shelter that my Mom worked at. Iʻm not sure if Marcie Darcie was Male or Female. I donʻt think that mattered to Bubbaly Pubbaly, his sister, or I.
Every night, my Mom would send me on great adventures with my friends. She would tell me to make sure I was back in bed in time to wake up in the morning. I would crawl in to the caverns of Blanket Town and go into the wilds of Dreamville.
I wonder - When did that stop? When did I put away my friends? I am not sure what happened to them. I am hoping that they live somewhere nice. I am hoping they are someplace safe until I can find them again.
Until then, they live in my head. With them I climb through the caverns of adulthood and disbelief and emerge on the other side to create worlds on paper with symbols Iʻd only begun to understand as a child.
Thank you to my Mom for finding me my lifetime writing partners. Thank you to Bubbaly Pubbaly. I hope to see you and your friends again one day. And to you JT Krul ... Thank you for helping me to remember my spark. Sometimes just a memory is enough to spark something amazing.
If you are adventurous enough to pick it up and delve into "The Lost Spark" and its well painted world then go HERE to buy this sparkling book. For a direct link to JT Krulʻs sparky Blog and more of his work go HERE.
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