Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Hi all,

So as I have mentioned... or maybe I haven't mentioned but I have thought about it and further thought I mentioned it but never did because I have these conversations with myself in my head that I think I write down but never actually do and when I look for the written words from my head I find that they never existed.

Except for maybe in my head.

So I have decided to PLOT. I have formally mentioned somewhere on some blog, if not my own, that I am a FREEWRITER. I writeandwriteandwriteandwrite to just let the ideas and plotlines flow as they might. It has worked so far... until recently. I feel so stopped up with Ideas that the Ideas are begining to mesh into this weird beefstew in my head. By PLOTTING I feel I might get a grasp on the freewheeling crazyfacing hotsteamingmessofconsciousness in my brain.

An UPDATE on "The Change": Two AWESOME friends, a College Lit Professor and a Writer/Production Madam of Disney and such, have both read a full draft of "The Change"!!! I will be speaking with them this coming week and hopefully begin the next phase of "The Change" in which I begin to really hone the book into a solid piece.

I am also thinking about PLOTTING out "The Change". That way I can make sure the characters, plots, actions, timeline, though line... ALL MAKE SENSE (to someone other than myself).

Thank you once again to Mike Wolfson whose BLOG,, I read semi-religiously. His latest blog features a chart done by JK Rowling and the Lester Dent Pulp Paper Master Fiction Plot. Please go check his blog.



  1. Can't wait to read the finished "the change"!

  2. Thank you Jason!!! I can't wait to finish it!!!
